Don't Get Scammed By Blue-Light!
While the eye-catching title can be a slight diversion off of the fact that blue light should actually be protected against, whether we're texting, typing on our computers, or watching some late night news. Blue light is melatonin suppressing, but that's okay! While melatonin is essential to up-keeping your healthy sleeping habits, it isn't as essential to keeping our eye-sight as some "Eye-Care Professionals" may seem to make it sound.
Do NOT listen to "opticians" that try and sell you as hard is Spongebob is right there... They are clearly being dishonest, or are just plainly ignorant of the anatomy/physiology of eyes.
Blue light impacts our Circadian Rhythym - which is basically the common cycle that our bodies follow on a daily basis... Helping our brains dictate when we're awake, when we should start to shut down for sleep, or when we should be at our peak performance. So technically from the time you wake up you can expose yourself to blue light! However, it's when the sun goes away (our natural provider of blue light) is when it gets tricky. As technology evolves, the screens we use tend to project a certain amount of blue light. This when coupled with the fact that it is almost bed time (in most cases, depending on how much of a party animal you are), will throw off your circadian rhythm, and could lead to things like insomnia!
Now what you should definitely do is look into investing into a pair of A) blue light, B) Getting your eyes checked, and getting prescription specs, or C) Getting Eyezen™ lenses from us when they release! They offer a slight magnification, and blue light protection in every lens. This lessens your eyes from straining on our computer monitors (FONT SIZE IS IN PLAY HERE NOT ONLY BLUE LIGHT).
Also check out this video done amazingly by the CBC, that describes our qualms to a tee: